Beautiful, Deadly Nitrate
There was a reason filmgoers once referred
to cinema as the "silver screen.” Audiences were enchanted with images that
looked as if a master metallurgist had etched each frame from liquid silver.
Directors worked with cinematographers to paint the screen in light and shadows
and their brush was a movie camera loaded with celluloid film. Filmmakers created
stunning images with a look of argent fluidity that no process can duplicate
today. Unfortunately, as beautiful as nitrate stock films were, there was a sinister
side to the artistry. Like the oleander plant whose flower has a dulcet
fragrance and is pleasing to the eye, yet is poisonous in the extreme, the film
stock used from the 1880 to 1953 to create stunning images in shades of pewter,
black and white, that greatly enhanced the movie going experience, was
The medium that made up the film stock base
was nitrate, a combustible compound used in guncotton and some types of
dynamite. Nitrate stock was not only inflammable if exposed to heat or a direct
flame, it had the potential to spontaneously combust.
Film projectionists and negative cutters
quickly became aware of the perils of working with nitrate. Projection booth
fires like the one dramatized in the
Italian classic, Cinema Paradiso, were
commonplace in picture palaces across the globe. In the early days of film,
movie theatres were slap-dash affairs and projectionists were often ignorant
about the inherent dangers of handling nitrate film. An errant cigarette, improper storage, or
even an overheated light bulb as the film passed through a projector’s film-gate
could cause a conflagration. Several incidents of
resulted in audience deaths from fire, smoke inhalation or the crush of a
stampede of people fleeing the theater.
In his book, Nitrate Won’t Wait: A History of Film Preservation in the United States, film historian Anthony Slide details a number of horrific episodes involving nitrate stock in places other than theaters – film exchanges, schools and conflations started while screening home movies. Undoubtedly, the most infamous case of a nitrate fire catastrophe occurred in Quebec in January of 1927. A small fire in the projection booth at the Laurier Palace Cinema in Montreal caused pandemonium. Seventy-seven children died in the ensuing chaos either from suffocation or from the crush of the panicked crowd. The tragedy led Quebec to a prohibition on children under sixteen from cinemas, a law that stayed in effect until 1967.
There were fatal nitrate fires in MGM's storage
areas in 1955 and 1960. Those conflagrations finally led the Culver City Fire
Department to order MGM to purge their lot of nitrate films. The year 1978 was the annus horribilis for film archivists and
made many question if nitrate stock could be stored safely. The United States National Archives and Records Administration and George Eastman House
both suffered devastating losses when their film vaults self-immolated. The
fire destroyed three hundred twenty nine original negatives stored at the
Eastman House, while the National Archives lost millions of feet of newsreel
Two authoritative books on the subject of nitrate films are Nitrate Won’t Wait: A History of Film Preservation in the United States written by film historian and archivist, Anthony Slide, and This Film is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film, a compendium of articles and essays on nitrate film and its dangers edited by Roger Smither and Catherine A. Surowiec.
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